Here you have the best patterns for punto de red. In addition to patterns for amigurumis, you can find another type of patterns like cuello with easy charts. We show you how to make akarimc patterns with simple indications.
by Patronarte
mitones, guantes, patronarte
by Lanas y ovillos
by Simple Crochet
flor, manzanilla, crochet
by Retofinde
cuello, vintage, retofinde
by AKARImc
sujetador, bikini, akarimc
adornos, árbol, navidad
pulsera, corazones, crochet
by Mariganchillo
caras, llavero, mariganchillo
aretes, flores, crochet
by HastaelMonyo
Resultados, slide_publico
by Amigurumies
doraemon, amigurumi, amigurumies
mocasines, crochet, para, bebé
by ChabeGS
peces, amigurumi, chabegs
pantalón, crochet, para, bebé
babuchas, adulto, crochet
collar, corazón, crochet
gorro, bebe, crochet
by Oh!villo
patrón, corbata, ganchillo
campanas, navidad, crochet
by IPunts
jarron, trapillo, ipunts
mini, pastel, amigurumi
by Bichus
roscon, reyes, bichus
estrellas, navidad, crochet
gorro, trenza, crochet
by Aritogores
flor, florecita, aritogores
flores, estrella, crochet
doodle, bichus
by Mis Patrones
jersey, blanco, verano
diamante, amigurumi
sonajero, bebe, amigurumies
by Armygurumi
cuello, armygurumi
gorro, rana, crochet
botitas, crochet, para, bebé
tutorial, patucos, bebé, abiertos
by Hamoraima
pulseras, hamoraima
marcador, libros, crochet
caramelo, navidad, crochet
flor, akarimc
chal, mariganchillo
by Sweet&Knit
alfombra, ganchillo, flores, sweetandknit
In donpatron you can search knitting pattern for your projects. Crochet, amigurumi, granny squares and all kind of wear.